Hi guys!
Hope everyone smashed their January goals and are all cracking on again this month. I can't believe how fast this month is going - it'll be Xmas again before we know it!
So...many of you will probably know the amazing news that I made it to the finals of the USN Body and Lifestyle Challenge :) I still can't really believe it but am so proud. I have had to put in years of hard work previous to doing the challenge to get to a place where I was healthy enough to even contemplate taking it on, but every last little bit of effort has been worth it.
It's crazy how much my life has changed since starting the challenge 4 months ago and I am loving every minute of it. I don't have access to, or the money, to access the best facilities or fitness experts that I know other finalists have but...I do have a passion, a desire, a dream and one hell of a lot of dedication to keep learning and developing. I'm excited to keep putting 100% effort in this year to see where I can get myself!
Not only that but work is changing too. I work part time in the office and now do a lot of online training and nutrition programs for people, and am going for an interview at a local gym this evening to get back on the gym floor and put my qualifications to good use. My life has done a total 360.
I just want to take the opportunity in this post to thank everyone for their support on my journey so far. It would have been a million times harder if I didn't have you all behind me, showing encouragement and helping me out.
Now it's time to really go for it and aim for the skies!!
I also want to make the blog a bit more interactive so am going to do a Q&A session. So any questions you have for me, either leave a comment on here or send a tweet and I will get to answering them on the next post.
Have a great week.
Aim for the moon and you might just land on the stars
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